South Elgin Nutrition and Fitness Instructor Lets These 3 Rules for a Healthy Diet Slip

If you want lifelong health and fitness, a healthy diet is KEY. So here’s 3 quick & easy rules for staying on the wagon and staying healthy…

#1. Eat Six Times a Day (Or More) – It’s a myth that you shouldn’t snack between meals. The fact is snacking keeps your energy levels high and prevents you from over eating at main meals. Eating more often and foods like lean protein, vegetables will speed up your metabolism by digesting it for prolong period of time. Therefore fat will start dropping and preserving muscle tone.

eating-schedule#2. Eat Like Clockwork – Try and eat at the same time every day so you body gets into a routine, and works with you towards health & fitness. It is the same when you go to work at the same time and go home at the same time every day. You force the body to create a habit. Now,  if you have plateaued there are more advanced tactics but this is for another time. Just start with the basics now.

#3. Build Out a Meal Plan – With a meal plan you know what to eat and when so you can stock up at the grocery store and never be left short at dinner. This means no excuses for fast food. Also once the meal is built you will not starve and the planning and preparation you have done in advance will keep you losing fat, preserving the muscle, and performing at a higher level.

And there you have it. Maintaining a healthy nutrition plan is not as difficult as many people make it!


2009-12-31T13:45:13+00:00 By |Articles, Featured, Uncategorized|