Aurora IL Nutrition Coach Prescribes Exotic Foods You Should Eat (But Probably Aren’t)

I know a lot of you are interested in weight loss, and I’ll continue to cover that often in my posts. But there’s more to know about Premium Nutritional Fuel! Those of you who have my Nutrition Bible, remember #9 on my list of 10 Top Habits?

9. Eat as wide a variety of foods as possible

So let’s expand your grocery list. Let me introduce you to three super healthy foods that have some surprising nutritional benefits…

Guava – A fantastic source of vitamin C, potassium, lycopene (powerful anti-oxidant) AND fiber! No wonder people in the tropics look so healthy! This fruit trumps oranges, bananas, tomatoes and more.

Cinnamon – Can spices be healthy? Absolutely! Cinnamon can reduce the risk of heart disease because it metabolizes sugar fast, keeping your blood sugar level under control. Try sprinkling some on your yogurt for a tasty one-two nutrition punch.

Pomegranate juice – Why is pomegranate all the rage? For one thing, it contains plenty of Vitamin C and can increase blood flow. Look for 100% Pomegranate juice so you’re not loading up on sugar.

Expand your nutritional horizons. Try one of these TODAY.