Are Mistakes Slowing Down Your Fitness Program?

What if you’re making exercise mistakes – without knowing it – that are slowing your results? If you’re like most people, chances are good that you are…and burning up precious time instead of fat burning and getting in shape.

This is a fear that many people have, so I’m going to share with you 4 common exercise mistakes that slow results. Fix them – and transform your body even faster!

Putting speed over quality of form – Speed is not the same as intensity.  Intensity is the key, not zipping through your workouts at lightning speed. The harder you work, the quicker results will come. Note: depending on your fitness goals and level, speed can play a beneficial role.

Speed without control can get you injured.  Because speed almost always compromises form.  And when you break form, not only are you not working the muscles properly and optimally, you’re also putting yourself at a much greater risk for injury. Nothing will stop results like an injury, so be careful out there. This is why you need to build your fitness program progressively and safely or have a qualified personal trainer help you with it.

Reading while doing cardio – Reading or watching TV takes your concentration away from the task at hand, which is an intense, heart-pumping workout.  All sorts of bad things can happen when you’re not focused on what you’re doing while running along at 6mph on the treadmill, or even when you’re on a stationary bike.  Instead of a magazine, put on your Ipod with some motivating music…and rock it out!

Avoiding weight training – Guys mostly understand the benefits of weight training, but ladies…not so much.  Oh yes, I get it.  You don’t want “bulky” big muscles.  But believe me, that just won’t happen.  Did you know that muscle is more compact than fat?  So, when a woman trains with weights, your body literally shrinks.  It doesn’t expand, and definitely won’t get “bulky.”  Here’s the bonus, you’ll enhance your feminine curves by toning them up, and tightening them down!  Tight, toned and terrific is what you get from weight training…who doesn’t want that? By the way, I have a report that is called exactly that, and you can get it Free on my website. >>Tight Toned And Terrific <<

OK, so now you can avoid a few of the common mistakes that sabotage results. Follow these and get the results you want from your fitness program.