The Shocking Truth About Why You Don’t Like Healthy Foods.

The reason why people do not like or eat some of the healthy foods is…well,  it has nothing to do with taste or your taste buds. It is all psychological. It is very simple, I encourage you to start orienting yourself to eat healthy foods you dont usually like and stay very positively emotional, constantly look for the benefits from them when you eat those foods. Just test it for 3 weeks each day eating a certain type of veggie that you dont usually like.

Ask yourself: do i constantly try to like healthy foods? When someone hands/serves me healthy food, do i smile and take it with open arms or I make faces internally and say: Oh boy, I wish I had some chocolate now, I dont like those eggs, avocado, broccoli, asparagus.

Make sure you fill yourself with positive emotions while you are eating it. The more reasons you can come up for why this veggie is so healthy, delicious and awesome the sooner you will transform your taste for it.

If you are really serious about your health which you should be, I would even recommend you going to a higher level and write down all the reasons why and benefits you would receive from eating the veggie you chose and read them every day.

I know it sounds almost crazy and silly but stay with me here and be as open as possible about it and this is when you would see some positive changes

You have to change the way you thinkfeel, and talk to yourself in a positive way with benefits about healthy food and you will see how soon you will like them.

Simply put you need to change the way you have programmed your brain (as much as some of you will not like this expression), or your attitude toward healthy food.

This is not a theory. It is science and it works but it won’t work if you put it to the test.

If you find it valuable share it with your friends and let me know what you think by commenting below

Your 3 Pillar Coach Hristo

2017-03-09T09:02:19+00:00 By |Mental Edge|