South Elgin Personal Trainer Goes Food Shopping For Fat Loss (90 Days Back To Wellness)

In a previous post I had taken couple of photos of how I plan and prepare in advance for daily nutrition consumption for the second phase of my mission “90 Days Back To Wellness” but this time I want to take you through the whole process in an actual video.

So I went to one of my favorite stores in South Elgin and Saint Charles area “Caputo’s”. The produce products in it are very inexpensive and fresh all the time which is one of the main reasons I love it. Then I went back home and grilled all the meat, boiled many of the eggs, and bagged all the vegetables. Now I am all ready to be eating at the exact time for my diet, with the right amount for my fat loss and body transformation goal, with the right quality.

I shot a small less than a minute footage of the stops I made in each of the departments in it so I somewhat take you through the process and did not keep the segments long.

How long do you think it took me to go to the store, buy the food, go back home, cook it, grilled, bag it and clean it?…………………2hrs and 10 minutes. That’s right, if an amateur shopper and an average cook can prepare for the WHOLE week with food in about 2hrs, I believe you can do it too. No excuses, just do it.

If you find it valuable or if you apply it and see some success with it or even if you think someone you know can benefit from it you can comment below and share it with them.

