Fox Valley Fat Loss Expert Exposes 6 Ways To Rev Up Your Fitness Program (FAST)

Today I’ve got six ways for you to get in shape right now. All of them are tested and proven with hundreds of successful Higher Level Fitness clients. Keep reading to see which ones will do the job for you?

1. Embrace the Change – Remember, you’re creating a whole new you. This is not going to be temporary. You won’t want to go back to the old you. Realize you’re making a long term change, and be excited to commit to a new healthy, lean, happier body and lifestyle.

2. Recruit a Teammate – We all need help. The best support you can have is from others just like you, fighting the same fight you are. Websites like are great ways to find fitness buddies.

3. Know Your Numbers – Calorie counting isn’t the most enjoyable thing, but it’s not hard and takes just seconds to do. Track the foods you eat, don’t guess or make uneven estimates. Read the nutrition labels and know exactly how many calories you’re consuming on a daily basis.

4. Spread the Good News – Go public. Notify your family and friends about your goals. From this, you’ll create two groups of people. Both of them will help you, but in different ways. The first are those who support you, and you’ll be motivated by the fact you don’t want to disappoint them. The second group are those who doubt you – “I’ve heard it all before.” The drive here is to be able to stick it to ‘em when you get in the best shape of your life – and they’re as jealous as hell.

5. Photograph Your Journey – People are very visual beings. So photos that show your progress have an enormous impact on driving you forward. Now, the numbers can get tricky. If you weigh yourself on the scale and the weight is not moving down, don’t despair. Weighing in may not be productive for you, so use an accurate body composition analyzer that measures your progress better than just weight. See improvements in muscle mass, body fat, water, etc. and take a photo too. Put together a fitness binder with all your measurements and photos. Whenever you doubt yourself or feel down – grab your binder and see how far you’ve come. Also, see what you risk going back to if you quit now.

6. Resist the Magic Pills – Because magic pills don’t exist! Exercise, healthy food consumption and the right mental attitude always has been, and always will be, the safest most certain way to a phenomenal physique and lifelong wellness. FACT, not advertising fiction. I know those infomercials are convincing and tempting. But remember, they’re money-making advertisements, and these companies care more about getting your money than your health. Sad, but that’s just the way it is.

When you’re ready to accelerate to a higher level of fitness, give each of these a TRY. Why not RIGHT NOW? Everyone’s different, so these may not all work for you. But if couple of them do, it will be more than worthwhile.

2009-12-31T14:04:09+00:00 By |30 Days To Hell, Featured, Uncategorized|