Fitness and Motivational Trainer Shows The #1 Rule for Mastering Motivation (How to Never Give-up)

Try this quick-fire motivational tip, and you’ll find it more painful to give-up your health and fitness program than it is to stick with it.

That’s what I hope anyway. Here goes…

reach goal conceptThe #1 way to stay motivated is to set goals. Now don’t sigh and stop reading. I know everyone has heard about goal setting a thousand times… but STILL don’t set goals. And they fail.

Please do this #1 thing. Just TRY it. What’ve you got to lose?

Decide on your final goal – building muscle, fat weight loss, being able to walk for 20 minutes without losing breath, gaining your muscle tone back, or just to get in shape – whatever. Now work backwards and set weekly goals that bring you closer to your final goal. This creates your step-by-step plan, therefore making it easier to do.

The most critical thing to do is WRITE everything down. Put it somewhere that you’ll see multiple times a day. Review your goals every night. This will take a few minutes each day… but the motivation you’ll gain, and the action you take because of it, will be life changing.

Seriously, TRY this and see how much of a difference it makes.

2010-01-01T13:39:31+00:00 By |Featured, Uncategorized|