My Mission “30 Days To Hell Followed By 90 Days Back To Wellness”
Here is where I announce my mission "Hristo 30 Days To Hell Followed By 90 Days Back To Wellness"
Here is where I announce my mission "Hristo 30 Days To Hell Followed By 90 Days Back To Wellness"
When you are TRULY aware of the environment and what you put in your mouth it hits you like a soaked towel in the forehead. It is unbelievable how most people are culturally brainwashed about what’s healthy. There is a lot of confusion around and I am on a mission [...]
Day 3 of 30 Days Hristo Going To Hell. It is mind boggling sometimes when we start analyzing fast food on a deeper level we realize that some foods have absolutely no nutritional value, nothing that the body is requiring for its improved functioning.
While some foods may seem to have healthy ingredients, and they do...people often forget that too much of even the good food is detrimental for our fitness and health goals. We need to follow 3 main points in nutrition. 1 quality, 2 quantity, 3 timing. Each has a big role [...]
In this video I shockingly, surprisingly and happily announce the highest I have ever weight in my life, and it happened in a very short time. It is hard for me to believe it but it is a fact.